A leader in ophthalmic ambulatory surgery center consulting, accreditation, value-added services, and management.

How to Solve 3 Common EMR Dilemmas

1. Locked out of EPM?

If you are with a Practice, please contact the Super User(s) at the ASC and they can unlock your account for you. If they are not available, you can contact:

If you are a Super User with Administrative privileges at one of our ASC’s:

  • Click on the Admin tab on the top left-hand side of your screen
  • Under User’s, click on the user’s name
  • Click on Reset Account and assign the user a new name and password. SAVE
  • The next time the user logs in they will need to change their password.

Please Note: LOCKING versus DELETING an account: A Super User with Admin privileges can lock the accounts of users who have left the surgery center. If a user is deleted, the associated records will be deleted as well. For facility audits and record-keeping purposes, always just LOCK a user account, never DELETE!

2. SAVE: The save button is your best friend!

Always hit SAVE whenever editing, adding, deleting , uploading, or making any changes on the sight! If you’re not sure that you hit SAVE; click on it again!!

3. Your quickest way to resolve an EMR issue is to:

Open a ticket:

  • Go to;
  • Click “New support ticket” and explain the issue that you’re experiencing;
  • After you click submit, you will receive a ticket number and be contacted within 24 business hours.
    Note: You will be able to check the status of your ticket at any time through the website using your ticket number.
  • In the event you need to contact Fresh Desk regarding your issue, dial 1-833-559-7483 (SITE). 

For Clinical EMR issues:
Contact Maria Tietjen at: 

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